During the Christmas holidays I returned to Laurinburg and we planned for you to visit me in the spring. It was an enjoyable get together as we toured the desert scenery and the resevoirs.
When I returned to Pembroke, the department head gave me a new course - The Psychology of Stress. I began to put into practice what I had learned about stress control. I started a regular exercise program and also got Ellen to join me in a daily walk. Since he had taken away my Child Development course this was a boost to my morale. At the beginning of the second semester Joe Sumner resigned to go to a teaching position in Savannah. He was divorcing his wife and beginning all over. A new department head was hired - Kitty Rileigh. We got along well and my Child Development and Parenting courses were returned. We got along real well for two years but in order to get Tenure I needed to go back to Arizona State and finish my work on the Doctorate. Both Mary Ann and Fred were in College so you could go with me. Larwence, my brother, wanted me to take Mother with me. Mary Ann had a depression and could not go back to Washington College in Chestertown Maryland until later. All if the arrangements were made to have Mother fly to Phoenix and meet us in Tempe. Mary Ann tried to get a job but I was not aware of the seriousness of her condition when I asked her to go back to College. She flew to Baltimore and took a bus to Chestertown. It was not even a month when the Dean at Washington College to tell me about Mary Ann's condition. She had a mental illness called schizophrenia inherited from my Dad.