Sunday, June 22, 2008


My best friends were in the scout troop. Norman Behr, Leonard Held, Walter Heacock, Sam Fisher. We had a Court of Honor at the court house once a month. It was very impressive because there were other troops in town as well. We were quized on our tests for Second Class ,First Class and Merit Badges.I achieved the Star rank but could not get the Life Saving Merit Badge for the Life rank. I was not big enough or strong enough to rescue a simuilated drowning person and tow him to shore. Every year we went to summer camp for one or two weeks. There were hikes, swimming twice a day and an evening campfire where we sang and played games. During this period of my life I had a new experience. My oldest brother got married and lived in our house. I watched the baby grow in Mary’s womb, a girl named Barbara.
Also at this period of my life there were some difficult times because of my father’s mental illness. We moved to Hollywood Florida with Miss Ferra Mason, a nurse who was in charge of renting apartments. There was a hope that my father would get better in a new and exciting environment. My joys a t this time were swimming at the beach. I also learned how to play tennis with the help of an older man. He did not know how important he was in my life as a father figure. I knew him as Mr Mcdonald. He played tennis with me almost every day after school was out. I was in the tenth grade. The school was right across the street from where I lived. I entered pubescence at this time. I remember the painful swelling in my thyroid gland. My mother thought I had the Mumps and took me to a physician who diagnosed my development. I learned quickly what pubescence meant. I was producing sperm and seminal fluid. My mother caught me masturbating. She took a wooden coathanger and beat me on my rear. Of course, this did not stop me. It simply moved me to more secrecy. I learned when I became an adult that this was a normal sequence in life for all boys. I did not develop an interest in girls at this time. I was still small in size and was just beginning my adolescent growth.
I was a good student in my classes. I remember two of my teachers - English and History. In this latter class we pulled questions out of a box and played a game with two sides. If you could not answer the question you sat down decreasing the number on your team. I was the winner many times which was somewhat of an exciting experience for me. This was probably the reason I was elected president.